

I’m planning on moving future “items of interest” to a new show all together. I will continue publishing monthly recaps to keep people up to date on what I’m up to, but news and interesting links will now be moved to a new show. Future monthly recaps will include clips from recent interviews and any follow-up considerations.

New Show Coming Soon

I’m planning on taking the links I allready compile to track important updates regularly into a (hopefully) entertaining and informative audio broadcast. The hope is that the few items that do require a visual component can be made into their own stand-alone videos. I will be producing the show on a bi-weekly (once every two weeks) basis for paid subscribers.

If you’ve found my assortment of links interesting in the past, or want to give a little to get a little, now is the best time to lock in your support and get access to the upcoming show!

Get 70% off forever

Help me find a name!

I haven’t come up with a name yet, but if somebody can come up with one I like faster than I can I’ll be happy to gift them a free year. I want it to be catchier than “The Libre Solutions Network” that skill synergizes my passion for technology and freedom. This show will include all the same news and interesting links I share regularly.

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This is NOT Substack exclusive, but it is premium

If you’re a keener for decentralization and eager to walk the walk the radio show is also going to be available as a Mitra subscription paid in Monero at a substantial discount. If this option gains traction, I’ll consider more supporter only posts on the fediverse.

Recent Items

Items of Interest

  • 25 Years of Krita!

    I don’t personally use Krita myself, but it’s incredible to see how far this open source painting program has come!

  • Federation of Freedom

    Fedfree is a website aimed at teaching people how to run their own servers, of various kinds, on libre operating systems e.g. Linux and BSD. It aims to do this, using libre software exclusively, teaching people about the importance of libre software and hardware as it pertains to freedom; the right to use, study, adapt, share. The right to read. Universal access to knowledge… education. Education is the goal.

    I’m excited to see this relatively new resource grow!

  • Blogging on a budget

    This is a good overview of inexpensive ways to start self-publishing immediately.

  • Linux TLDR

    Another good web resource on Linux, with a bit more content.

  • Browser Privacy Tests

    More than you ever wanted to know to compare different browsers.

  • Introducing 'innernet'

    A fascinating project aimed at making private networks (innernets) work well for small communities. I am convinced that tools like this are a vital part overcoming ongoing challenges.

  • Review of Reputable, Functional, and Secure Email Service

    This is a great overview that lays out the thought process of comparing different mail providers.

I’m a huge fan of ‘Nobody Special’ and this is a must-watch explanation of how much of the AI hype cycle is manufactured. Taking this into consideration explains a lot of bizarre behavior by corporations and ‘influencers’.

  • No One Should Have That Much Power

    This is a must-read refutation of the logic behind measures such as introducing back-doors, dragnet surveillance and dragnet surveillance.

  • Messenger Wars

    Telegram, Signal, Session Oh My!
    There’s been a lot of back-and-forth about fighting over various messenging apps. I would argue there is no single perfect messenging app. The best solution in my opinion is to use the most secure application with the people you interact with.

  • Why I Don't Trust Matrix Developers to Produce a Secure Protocol

    This is a technical post raising concerns about matrix’s end-to-end encryption capabilities. In my opinion this is where avoiding hostile cyberspace is paramount, if you host a server with trusted contacts the risk is minized. Of course, I sincerely hope developers in the matrix ecosystem incorporate this feedback to make it even better.

If we want a better technological landscape, we need to fund it ourselves. Brodie does an excellent job raising concerns about how the Linux foundation members choose to spend their money, and makes great suggestions on how to better support the linux desktop.

I took the liberty of graphing Proton’s requests from governments.

This was a great conversation about digital privacy as a whole. I’m a big fan of Naomi Brockwell and The Hated one has done some fantastic videos on a variety of topics.

Truthstream Media does phenomenal work. I’d highly recommend giving this documentary the time. Despite being made prior to the Covid Crisis, The Minds of Men is a fantastic timeless work.

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