
Online Threats & Technocracy with Hrvoje Morić

A great conversation about the impositions on people's liberty, both online and in real life.

I had an excellent time talking with Hrvoje Morić on his TNT Radio show. I highly recommend getting caught up with some of his great interviews with a very wide variety of fascinating guests. If you don’t already know of Hrvoje, you’re missing out and should absolutely take a look at

at geopoliticsandempire.com.

Breaking Update

An update from the Geopolitics & Empire telegram channel:

Hrvoje has left the building! I have finally found a guerrilla with enough experience to replace me on TNT Radio. Veteran information warrior Lieutenant General Jason Bermas!

The Ides of March was my last transmission on TNT Radio after 2 straight and grueling years of non-stop live shows without pause or break...broadcasting from Croatia and from around the USA and México.

I am completely frazzled and burned out. I LOVE TNT Radio, they have been amazing to me, they've never censored me or caused me any problems, in fact...they've largely left me alone the entire time. They were basically like: here's a mic, you got 2-3 hours, here's your pay, go!

But doing 10-15 interviews a week is nuts, personally, for me right now. I desperately need to take a break and slow down. I will re-focus my efforts on Geopolitics & Empire! Stay frosty and stay tuned! 🎙 ✊

P.S. I will be a guest on Jason's show tonight!

It’s been an honor to be part of Hrvoje’s show on TNT Radio, and wish him the best!

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