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You’re Invited!

Visceral Adventure
War and Democide
Since Spartacus puts out his content under creative commons, it’s not only easy to find inspiration in it, there will also be a sudden urge and desire to amplify the message. I couldn’t resist jumping on the opportunity initiated by Gabe from Libre Solutions Network. He not only stitched Spartacus’ audio, but found pretty appropriate soundtracks which h…
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Rounding The Earth

I had the pleasure of Joining

to discuss the intricacies of different currency systems. I think it was great to break new ground in moving the discussion beyond the basics and raise the alarm about mindwar in finance.

Some of my time is spent on content for the Rounding The Earth Locals community. These off-the-cuff presentations give me a chance to summarize recent thoughts and present ideas I’m trying to hone. If you’re interested in my work, as well as

, you may appreciate these.


Substack Roundup

Beyond the Maze
The Wellness Company
With research and archival support from Liam Sturgess. The Wellness Company (TWC) is a one-and-a-half-year-old healthcare venture founded by a Canadian businessman named Foster Coulson. It offers a number of different services and products, ranging from…
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Libertarian Prepper
How to download Wikipedia to your phone
Imagine the grid goes down for some reason - an EMP, winter blackouts, war, cyber attacks. Maybe it comes back up in a few days. Maybe, as in the case of an EMP, it never comes back up. Wouldn’t it be handy if you had access to the world’s biggest encyclopedia, right on your phone? And yes - your phone would probably survive certain types of EMPs, such a…
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Totality of Evidence News
Help Support The Wayback Machine - a very important service.
For the past near 4 years I have used The Wayback Machine at archives.org for researching and capturing web pages, especially from government authorities and The WHO! It is an important research tool and proof of history. DONATE PAGE I don’t know if you have noticed but late 2020 the World Health Organisation started changing their website and not settin…
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CTIL Files #1: US And UK Military Contractors Created Sweeping Plan For Global Censorship In 2018, New Documents Show
A whistleblower has come forward with an explosive new trove of documents, rivaling or exceeding the Twitter Files and F…
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Items of Interest

Inquiry into the Appropriateness and Efficacy of the COVID-19 Response in Canada

Behind the One-Way Mirror: A Deep Dive Into the Technology of Corporate Surveillance

Governments turn to Open Source for sovereignty

Law professor says blockchain tech could ‘revolutionize’ copyright offices

Two fediverses, one network

Mastodon Is Easy and Fun Except When It Isn’t

PeerTube Roundup

PeerTube v6 is out, and powered by your ideas!

Turkey Inkscape - Developer Update 25th Nov 2023

I’m choosing to highlight this because I think it’s important for people to consider that many great things can be accomplished by paying competent developers directly. You can support Martin’s work on Inkscape on his Liberapay

Ok, but what is XMPP?

This is an excellent video by Denshi explaining what XMPP is and why it works in the way it does. Comfy Guides is also a great resource, which includes how to set up your own XMPP Server.

Framework: Building an Open, Reliable Laptop (Ubuntu Summit Presentation)

This is a good demo of the Framework laptop. Which is a fascinating project exemplifying how a laptop can be repairable, modular, and therefore easily upgradable by the user. If nothing else, it’s worth considering how we as consumers should push manufacturers in some of these directions.

Discussion about this video