Catching up slowly here, Gabe. Sorry if I’m inundating your notifications with likes and comments. Really enjoyed this conversation. I’ve listened to it in parts, but it was like the universe meant it that way as each part aligned with the activity I was doing while listening. I also appreciate the alchemy between you on the tech spectrum and Demi on the woo woo spectrum as both practical and magical elements make the universe do its thing, imo.

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Thank you for continuing to speak up!

Getting "kicked out" these days means we are on the right track!!! LOL

As long as we keep silencing the truth-speakers and whistleblowers this society is lost...

The truth will set us free!!!

Love and light!!

May the force be with you!! :))

... and hopefully soon with them!!


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Thank you! 🙏🏻💜💫

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Jul 11Edited

Hi Gabriel,

Thanks for having Demi on. I will be following her thanks to the discussion on Digital Autonomy Series.

At the end you and Demi were talking about engaging in the flesh with others (Including for me engaging directly with Nature). Here is a heart break for me in the last 4 years [ link: https://www.quantamagazine.org/cells-talk-in-a-language-that-looks-like-viruses-20180502/ ] Life at all levels is communing with itself. Each person you meet in the flesh is shedding to use a popular term.

Truth is life is communicating with life thus keeping the whole together and sane. When we isolate, lock down etc. where masks, we are recycling our own virons etc. This becomes a down ward spiril of and echo chamber.

We need to engage each other and the natural world to be informed and correct any nonsense we have taken on board via social media, or just being cut off from the Earth and other life forms.

Anyway read the link. I believe you may see a subtle intention for the lock downs, masks etc. A way to break down and inhibit the natural information flow between living being.

Gab your work is awesome. Thank you

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We largely discount the impact of the energetic fields surrounding our bodies upon our health and the effects those fields and our minds have upon our well-being.

If our bonds are destroyed, our health suffers. If babies do not receive touch, for instance, they literally perish. We require interconnectivity to sustain health.

Conversely, our bodies can sense when someone around us is experiencing toxic symptoms and our bodies will react to that in order to keep toxins out. Think about when you're around someone who is drunk. They become nauseous and they throw up around you. What do most people's bodies do in that instance? They get nauseous.

The body is trying to preemptively shield you from the potential for any toxins you may have accumulated to make you sick, whether you accumulated them or not. You receive sensory information that someone around you is feeling sick and you, in turn, produce symptoms - and you do it even if the person drank or ate something you did not drink or eat.

There are so many ways to become ill, but our culture is hyperfixating on one singular potential pathway out of a fear that has been intentionally stoked among all of us. Yet, in the year before the shot rollouts, we had the same number of respiratory illnesses in total that we always do. When the numbers began to increase was after the shot roll out.

We need to be very careful about attributing causation without proof of causation. There are way too many variables here for us to claim we know what is happening - what I defined above is merely one possibility. I'm not confident we've locked down what is really happening here. It feels like a combination of negative health influences. More like a perfect storm of conditions, including both the shot and an uptick in electromagnetic frequency exposure and/or radiation.

Toxins, deficiencies, trauma, psychosomatic responses, bioenergetic responses, stress, radiation, the body's natural reflexes to prevent exposure to illness... you name it, it could be a contributing factor we're not seeing, measuring, or accounting for because we're assuming what we're being told is the truth. That's science done backwards. In that instance, we're putting the cart before the horse.

Detox, get sunlight, eat clean, breathe fresh air, and enjoy your time with your loved ones. If you have to fly anywhere, make sure to ground. Don't sleep in the same room as your electronics. All of these things will help your overall quality of life. And the less time you spend worrying, the better.

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Interesting take. Have you ever read the work of Dr. Lynn Margulis. She collaborated with James Lovelock and the Gaia Hypothesis (now theory) back in the late 1960s forward. One of her books is the Microcosoms where we find out that 3+ billion years ago bacteria began Terraforming the Earth. We are because they made it possible, and balance the craziness of human kind's pollution. They inhabit our gut. Without them we would be dead. Then there is the gut/brain axis, so much there.

Dr. Lynn Margulis regarded bacteria as the superior life form on the planet. I agree.

Did you read the link? The link spoke to me because of the amazing insight and work of Dr. Margulis. The fact that the microbiome is communicating non stop.

You are correct we feel a need to keep a distance from some people place and things. I struggle with that because equanimity means seeing things as they are, without blame. In one way or another we are all babes in the woods, making blunder after blunder. As Jesus said to those who would stone a women, "Let him who is without sin caste the first stone".

Shedding is a tainted word. A word to inspire prejudice. Bacteria world wide communicate in just this way, exchanging virons. Our bodies are of them and our bodies communicate via the same means.

It is unconscious communication 24/7. I garden daily, have live in nature daily for the bulk of my life. My mother taught me to be in awe and reverence of Mother Nature. I still am.

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Yes - and I agree about the communication among lifeforms. We see it with bacteria, rhizomes, mycelia, tree roots, pheromones/olfactory senses, other biochemical signaling, electromagnetic fields, bioenergetics, quantum entanglement, interconnected consciousness itself... there are so many different ways this occurs.

Bacteria are a single example. And all of this is going on simultaneously, holistically, not just inside of us but in the entire world around us.

Our bodies are magnificently intelligent. If you keep it clean and detoxed and you keep yourself full of healthy air, water, and food, you will be leaps and bounds better off than anything else you could ever do for yourself.

That's all I do, and I haven't been sick since Summer 2018. I had a minor sore throat because I took too many consecutive flights in a row and didn't ground enough in between. I can set a watch by it: If I take one flight and then rest, I'm fine. Two or more flights in less than two days, the same exact sore throat, guaranteed.

Read a book called Invisible Rainbow by Arthur Firstenberg. This is one of the many factors contributing to what has been going on in the past five years. It's not the only factor. But it's another puzzle piece.

The more pieces of the puzzle you take in, the more you start to see that there's a full interconnected picture here where many factors are contributing adversely or beneficially to our health overall.

We have to take a holistic approach. We do not live in a vacuum and there's no magic bullet for good health. The better we do overall when it comes to healthy lifestyle choices, the better we tend to do, period.

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I looked up your invitation to read the book by Arthur Firstenberg. When I saw what it was about I remember the book that follows which was blowing the whistle then on Power Lines. Long before 5g towers. We didn't listen then (Overton Windows) and the communication and electric industry is not listening now.

Also Tyrone Hayes (UC Berkeley researcher and Professor) did difficult work on Atrazine and it's dramatic effect on male frogs. Changing their gender to female. In the late 1970s early 1980s an amazing women explained that due to pollution (especially pesticides, herbicides and endocrine disruptors of all kinds) gender dysphoria would become common.

Reading the work of Tyrone Hayes and meeting him confirmed her predictions for me. It was amazing to see the change in our society over time.


The Body Electric: Electromagnetism and the Foundation of Life is a 1985 book by Becker and Gary Selden


The Invisible Rainbow: A History of Electricity and Life Paperback – Illustrated, March 9, 2020

by Arthur Firstenberg

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About half the book is citations leading to other studies and books. It's very well put together. I highly recommend it.

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Jul 12Edited

Is it gaining any traction? I ask because 8 years ago (about) at a Soil not Oil Conference in San Francisco an Israeli citizen was there attempting to wake people up to the 5G nightmare. The book she directed people to was The Body Electric. At the time there was no other book.

You make valid points regarding taboo subjects. 5G and cell phones and their impact on health is a subject people won't talk about. Those seeming conveniences are addictive. My self I never have and never will own a cell phone.

People don't appreciate privacy. My parents were very private people. Dad told me that if I share what I know with anyone, then they will know what I know and also what they know. In particular he had in mind personal data.

Realizing owning a cell phone means to ATT you don't care about privacy. But I do. They are not happy I insist on a land line.

So I have been watching the nightmare coming for a long time. The book The Invisible Rainbow:.. won't change much. People read the book wring their hands and then cling to their cell phones.

If you can show me that purchasing that book will change the landscape of communication in the direction of better health for people and planet, I will purchase it. I already know a good deal about this from my own research.

You have mention electromagnetism etc. You may already know about this. For me it is amazing. https://www.thunderbolts.info/wp/2024/05/18/michael-clarage-solar-filaments-and-you-thunderbolts/


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> Bacteria are a single example.

REPLY: True. But they are by far the oldest and they have been found miles below the surface of the Earth and very high in the atmosphere. They are diverse, So diverse they have not been fully catalogue. Consider the following. Every bacteria alive today is at least 3 billion years old. How is this possible? Bacteria Divide. When the do it is impossible to tell the mother from the daughter. So each and everyone alive today is nearly immortal in human terms. Yet billions or Trillions die each moment too.

While your point is valid, all else exist today because they transformed the Earth and made it possible. Dr. Lynn Margulis was a microbiologist. She argued for symbiogenesis and endured massive push back from the male scientists of the era. When it was shown that mitochondria had their own DNA and divided when the cell divided but separately. Symbiosis gained ground to where today it is an accepted fact.

> We have to take a holistic approach.

REPLY: I agree with you completely. I am 73, grew up in the north central sierra foothills and small ranch. There is a story there. Since 1972 I have been a lacto ova vegetarian. Not for everyone but works for me. An Organic gardener long before the term USDA Organic. To be a healthy vege you really have to know nutrition deeply. I continue to learn and apply. I was told all true health comes from the soil. Amen. So I do my best to support nature in creating deep healthy soil.

> I had a minor sore throat because I took too many consecutive flights in a row and didn't ground

REPLY: I understand that. I am happy your are hail and hearty. I appreciate this opportunity to get to know you. Gab has been an inspiration because it is rare to find anyone in the tech world (other than those in the Free Software movement "Free as in Freedom not beer") with his depth of caring and integrity. So I follow him with a paid subscription.

I look forward to following you too.

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Aww, so delighted you guys got together to chat! Looking forward to listening. Warm hugs to you both 🤗💓💫

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Thank you so much for connecting us! Sending my love!! 🙏🏻💜💫

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Hi Starfire Codes,

Do you know much about the Gaia Theory. Not the watered dhttps://www.thunderbolts.info/wp/2024/05/18/michael-clarage-solar-filaments-and-you-thunderbolts/own version that has faded from public memory. But the version by James Lovelock and Lynn Margulis. It took decades to erase that from the public memory. If the Gaia Theory was a live and well today there could never have been a health crisis like C-19. It just would never make sense.

So I just wonder what you know about Gaia the scientific theory.

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You might like to take a look at my section called What I'm Watching in the Table of Contents on my publication. In it, each week, I post the videos that I've been taking in. I tend to work way ahead, often months in advance, but you'll be able to get an idea of what I am reviewing in a more holistic sense. There are many videos that go over Gaia and Thunderbolts inside. There's also a What I'm Reading section where I publish what I have been reading for the past week. Both of those can be found here: https://www.starfirecodes.com/p/table-of-contents

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I am looking now. Do you have a ready list of the books you have read.

Have you read the works of James Lovelock and Lynn Margulis?

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