I started reading and got distracted by reading and signing up for The Starfire Codes, following up on others, and I'm finally back to say thanks, Gabe! Nice to have so many different perspectives.

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Well I was on my home page and your stack came up as four minutes long and I had five waiting in between other events and now that I’ve read your round up, I see that I will actually be spending close to an hour following up on all these juicy morsels. 👊

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Awesome round up, Gabriel. I need to get deeper into your posts on Digital Anonymity.

When it comes to tech, I'm realizing the importance of archiving the work we do, like PDF's offline. Anything we want to keep for later, should exist out of reach of the censorship based systems. Thanks for your work on this topic ------ Nef

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Hey Gabe, two thumbs up for your efforts toward weight control! If you need even more incentive to persevere, DO IT FOR US! The world needs your mind and its creativity, so don't deprive us of that. As a lifetime swimmer, I can tell you first-hand that consistent swimming exercise does marvelous things for maintaining health and good physique. (I'm on the other side, and need to exercise to keep weight on.) If my only experience with them is any example, just staying in a typically frigid Canadian swimming pool for 30 minutes will burn off an entire meal's worth of calories, LOL. Seriously though, three times a week would be excellent. Change takes time, but you will notice improvement within a couple months -- and it doesn't need to be a painful, suffering process. Any tools that keep it fun are to be enlisted -- masks, fins, dumbells, whatever. It DOES get easier (and more enjoyable/satisfying); keep at it! My first year on the high school swim team (50+ years ago) I thought I was going to drown. Eventually though, my stroke smoothed out, and I also noticed I was building muscles. (!) I sincerely hope you will notice even more physical improvements (like those you mentioned), soon. It does motivate!

Also, congrats on caffeine rejection. Diet is the other half of the equation, so forget your mouth and just keep typing -- or working on any of the other projects that keep you busy. (Feel free to eat as many tasty, nutritious -- low calorie -- VEGETABLES as you want.

You bring sorely needed ideas to the world, so take good care of the biological ediface that makes that possible!

I'm off to the gym right now, to be followed by a few hundred yards in the pool. You do your part, too. ;-)

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You're very kind! Thank you for this!

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Jun 20Edited

> I don’t believe that the worldwide push for internet censorship is over. In fact I wonder if it’s even really begun in the first place. A phenomenal amount of data was collected on information suppression during the Covid Crisis, and that tyrants have only begun to put into practice lessons-learned. It’s important to be vigilant about threats to your ability to access (potentially life-saving) information as this escalates.


Hi Gab, I agree, it is just getting started as you point out. Taking a moment to say I admire your work, while I challenge your point of view at times, in no way do I wish to imply that your work lacts merit. Now to the actual reply.

I have been a supporter of free software since the 1990's. I have gone to a few of the conferences held at MIT (Stallmans alma mater) twice. The under current there was the need to have open hardware. That is much harder to do as it requires expensive fabrication facilities etc. Still it is the bedrock of any real freedom or change.

>It’s important to be vigilant about threats to your ability to access (potentially life-saving) information as this escalates.

So true. But what are those threats? Would we recognize them? The link to https://corbettreport.com/the-media-matrix-full-documentary/ gave a glimpse of the changes to our perceptions (good or bad) that has happened since Gutenberg invented the moveable type.

The path humans are currently on is not sustainable for the long run (however long that maybe). Sadly as the work of Dr. Lynn Margulis collaborator with James Lovelock developing the Gaia Hypothesis now accepted as theory, has fade from memory and largely forgotten else the c-19 nonsense could not prevail.

The true masters of this Earth are the microbes. They began Terra forming the Earth about 3+ billion years ago. They have an intelligence we don't understand. For example there is hype about hydrogen being the future of energy and transportation. Perhaps?. Human's cannot break the H2O molecule into 2 hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom with a net gain of energy. For humans there is a net cost in energy used to do this. Making it expensive at best. The real cost (environmental) is never discussed about Hydrogen technology or Electric Vehicle tech.

What is not told is that the brightest human minds have been studying bacteria for many decades now to understand how they break the H2O molecule into component atoms with a net energy gain. The smartest people on the planet cannot to date figure how they do that. More. Microbes can work almost all metals at room temperature and they have been found work radio active material too. Just Amazing. Lynn Margulis was very skeptical of the current (for the last 70+ year) theory for the causes of cancer. She argued that had the microbes not figure this out when the Earth had no atmosphere they would have been destroyed by the suns ionizing radiation. Thus cellular degradation etc. cannot be the root cause of cancer. Something else is at work.

I am a slow thinker (seriously very slow) and have read and re-read her books over and over again for decades. Symbiogenesis was a theory that main stream science (The Science TM) pushed back against. They were very dismissive of Dr. Lynn Margulis until she was able to point out that mitochondria exist out side the cell and through Symbiogenesis inside our cells. She is seriously worth a read and re-read. The Gaia theory is a paradigm shift. One that took a while to bury so that the current nonsense could be rolled out.

Thank you for considering the above. It may seem tangential to the work you do. Maybe it is not. It may be foundational to life and thus to all life is doing.

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