> Genuine compassion, patience, and mercy are non-negotiable attributes when it comes to building lasting peace.

REPLY: I agree without them one cannot see the forest for the trees.

>Taking the time to understand other’s frame of mind and how to build trust and understanding is the only reliable path to making progress in dark times.

REPLY: There is more to it than our frame of mind. Rather our mind has been famed. How? The vast majority of humanity are cut off from nature. Nature clearly marks our limits. In our mind superman can fly. In the natural reality of this Earth we cannot. Planes etc. are really not flying like birds and bats do. The plane a kind of flying, you just sit in the seat.

We have been framed by in large to live in our minds. Living fully in nature constantly calls into question any fantasies we may be wishing.

For me the folks with their feet on the ground are the Amish. For some of us their religious beliefs are a fantasy. The important point is that their belief doesn't get in the way of practical every day life that respect nature and their fellow beings.

We have been frame! Our frame of reference is no longer the natural world. It is our mind. That is not a good thing. Because today by enlarge our mind frames reality via the messaging we get from media. Be it mainstream, alternative, social etc. Our mental reality may be some fantasy fiction we read in a book or day dream ourselves,. We need the natural world to comment on whether our inner mental reality is in anyway compatible with nature.

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Funny enough, when at war, sometimes the peacemakers are the most hated. Nobody seems to like the pacifists. But I’m with you and I join your call for peace nonetheless.

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For me mind control is part of the answer. By that I mean humans realising they can control their internal dialog, or stop it altogether, as in conscious awareness. Internal dialog of a negative nature, or set off by propaganda, leads to an emotional reaction and a feedback loop ensues.

Add to this self observation and you can nip detrimental emotions in the bud - so less likely to cause or exacerbate conflict.

The other thing, echoing a commenter above, is to get out of your head and into your body. Relish the input of your senses, the warm breeze, sun or rain on your skin. You are not thinking in words, rather you are just being.

In a sense this is meditation 24/7 or perhaps call it moving meditation with situational awareness.

My point being if we could get Earth bipeds into this they would not easily be taken in, nor controlled. Plus far less conflict.

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Hi again Gabriel,

You may find this interesting


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Sharing main link in case anyone wants it: https://corbettreport.com/media/

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one more thought found on RT which relates to James Corbett's documentary. Quite sad to me really.

The conflict with Russia proves that public opinion must be controlled, French Army Chief of Staff Pierre Schill has said

The Russia-Ukraine conflict has shown that today's warfare necessitates controlling public opinion by dictating what information is made available to people, the French Army's chief of staff has concluded.

Speaking in an interview posted on Sunday by Defense News in advance of this week's Eurosatory defense and security conference in Paris, French Army General Pierre Schill said the conflict in Eastern Europe has "changed the dynamics of combat." He added that in addition to key advances on the battlefield - such as more extensive use of drones and military adaptation of civilian technologies - the crisis has proven that the flow of information must be controlled "to influence both national and international public opinion."


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This is a great piece Gabriel. That quote on WWIII is spot on.

I've written and talked a lot about cyber/5th warfare too on my Substack.

For your CyberWar/Attacks & Surveillance section, I had seen a recent article (which I can no longer find) that seemed to indicate that a module (I assume that installs itself) in the Microsoft OS that has the capability of taking a screenshot every 5 seconds. Needless to say that this would be a gross violation of privacy and can have pretty scary implications/consequences for those who use/buy/move crypto online (showing addresses, passwords and the like on screen while they do it).

Have you heard of this or have any related resources? And what would be your thoughts? Is Microsoft OS really to 100% avoid nowadays?


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Yes, it was called Windows Recall, which is a feature for the line of Copilot+ PCs


Ironically this case is more of a reason to avoid AI cloud tools in one's OS as much as possible.

Microsoft is a notable example but far from the only one!

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Scary. So I assume, though, that this is not to be of concern on my regular use of Microsoft OS?

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