
Though I do not know if I come down on the same side as you on this issue, I greatly appreciate that you're beginning the conversation thoughtfully. This is where we need to be having one of the few deep conversations in order to know how to move forward.

I have been writing less myself because I constantly bump up against the question of "Who/what are we facing off against?", "How is the war taking place, fundamentally?", and "Do we make improvements by playing their game, or improving our game in defending status quo systems?"

Not easy questions to answer, but crucially important.

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"digitized anarcho-feudalism" brilliant phrase, brilliant article, Gabriel. I don't know anyone else seeing this as clearly and explaining it as succinctly as you do.

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Mar 15Liked by Gabriel

So Punk Rock! Love it. Life was so much better back in the analogue days of my youth! Fight the power! Fight the powers that be!

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The temptation is for easy, or as Jello Biafra so famously titled the Dead Kennedys double live album, "Give me convenience or give me death".

It is hard to say "Fuck, no"! ... the 1st few times 🤔 but it becomes reflexive 😘 I just went into Taree (NSW, Australia) Centrelink/Gov Services to formally fill in a form to WITHDRAW, DENY, REFUSE an Australian Federal Government Digital I.D. They can insert it where their colostomy bag goes. I read the fine print; if say the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) sends one an email, via Digital Enslavement Convenience, and you do not answer it? You'll have a FINE old time 🤑🤑🤑. The CNTS can write me a letter.... I ain't giving my traitor Gov't permission to use an IOTA of MY DATA.

I am not your data bitch.

I am not your data, bitch.

I am. Not yours. My data. Bitch.

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Ethical Web Principles, as revised by Yet Another Tommy

should supersede the W3C version...


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