Great stuff, hopeful message. On the rapid pace of change and explosion of info, I have been thinking the news cycle is now moving far too quickly, revelations which come out, like the Twitter Files, the J6 Tapes, or the Lockdown Files in the UK, are here and gone in a couple of days, and nothing sticks.

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"Nothing sticks"

That really is the root of the problem.

It feels like there are no real levers people can push to get real acknowledgment... much less accountability.

That said, I would say the silver lining is that while nothing sticks in the "big picture" there are definitely people latching on to specific instances and hopefully learning from them.

Different strokes for different folks and all that!

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Technology is a great tool to use and augment the human experience. We just can’t fall for its siren song that leads to sedentary useless and meaningless existence. These are such interesting times. Ultimately, won’t we come to a time where we desire the real and the appeal to the machine loses its luster?

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We need a Universal Right: to REFUSE Self Storage, to refuse to be Referenced, to be able to Lockdown our OWN DATA. I AM NOT YOUR DATA BITCH. MY DATA IS VALUABLE, MINE. NOT FREE.

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I finally started putting my collected knowledge to some use by starting a substack myself. I don't know how much good it will do others (I think it might) but it's cathartic for me to get it all out and organized.

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Mar 21, 2023
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"I am really sick of tech and looking at its destructive force."

While I try to emphasize the bright side, I would argue this is a lot of my content.

If this content is rising you to anger, please try to pace yourself with it.

Please understand, that there are many highly skilled people (much better than me for sure) actually spending time working to make things better. I'd spend time getting familiar with fsf.org if you want to see a different side of things.

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Mar 21, 2023
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All the devil has to do to win is convince you that he is god! Fascinating times we live in.

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Mar 22, 2023
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I thought fighting the information war was enough too, but I have come the conclusion we need to build a parallel economy for when the corrupt beast system inevitably rots itself from inside to out.

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Apr 30, 2023Edited
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You're right, it's coming. Also, there is no way to stop it, as far as I can tell. So, I prefer an attempt at dangerous freedom, rather than peaceful servitude. Thus, the plan and hope for building something outside their system. How to build it? Homesteads, home schools, networking, produce goods locally.

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Apr 30, 2023Edited
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