Excellent, very insightful, inspiring and pro-human. My favourite article of yours so far. I will restack and share some quotes to Notes later.

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We need to find out humour and joy once again. The people have been psychologically abused for so long, they’ve forgotten what it was like to be happy.

I love this article and will be sharing it a few places. Thanks, Gabe.

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May 19, 2023Liked by Gabriel

This is excellent and beautifully written. But I am wonder why you say that there will only be puppets in an advanced state. Could you enlarge on that?

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Indeed, excellent and beautifully written. Thank you for sharing this, profound insights articulated very clearly and elegantly.

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An interesting line of thought Gabriel. Very lineal, logical with a practical, positive small community outcome if implemented correctly.

Humanity, the human mould, or whatever it's called, does not seem to be able to scale well in any way.

I note you speak truly of government and power and currency( in a way that it is commonly interpreted by normies) as a form of power and illusion that controls the masses.

Could you please define and expand this to include freemasons' and the masonic code and the effects of its infiltration into every part of the public and private sector globally, and into the families of small business and small social media influencers?

Blaming ' government' and absolute power is a distracton from the root cause of our problem which is an individual's choice to lie and discard their principles, family or soul through weakness, fear, corruption, blackmail etc. I note your article does mention some of this. Did you get chatGTP to write it?

My questions are genuine and not meant to cause any offence, unless you are a freemason.

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The choice we must be able to make with clarity is: Do we want to live in a society based on Compulsory Collectivism? or Do we want to live in a Voluntarily Cooperative one?

Collaboration forms Naturally Positive Groups and Coalitions.

Groups are there for anyone to freely associate with; there are positive things that can be done through groups too. The freedom movement that is making progress now to fix the Covid Tyranny; for example, is a group of individualist, spiritualist and professionals from many varying backgrounds. We all care about what type of world our children will be living in so, we all have the presence of mind to correct the course. The freedom movement is a natural and spontaneous action of human consciousness. The goal of every living being, is to seek liberation. The natural longing of all life is be FREE. Each Individual is equally Sovereign.

Clear Sight and Spiritual Evolution, can leave the effects of Consciousness etched on Society. The natural form of that society will be Decentralized.

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You wrote:

"It’s ironic to talk about the raw power of money these days. Odds are if you’re reading this you’re used to using a fiat currency which is to say a currency backed by “faith and credit” of your government. This is not the same as saying it’s backed by nothing. Far from it, any currency is a de-facto measurement of the amount of raw power wielded by it’s participants. That power can be used for good or evil. Every person proportional to the currency they wield makes a real tangible impact on the use of that currency."

What is even more ironic is that the fiat currency is actually backed through securities:

Birth Certificate Trust / Bond

Individual Surety Bond

International Bills of Exchange

International Promissory Notes

'Cestui Que Vie' birth certificate trust, seems to be a form of collateral for the Federal Reserve Inc, and is "held" by Cede & Co. (DTC) Owners of Cede somehow own your record of birth as this "security" through an Allodial instrument. That's what the full faith in credit of the US Treasury is; since at this point I'm sure nobody really has "faith" in it.

I'm still trying to really figure this thing out, my goal is to find a way to nullify it or gain access to the same level of control over it that the "Multinational Billionaires" do.

So I suppose that it is true that the treasure of a nation is quite literally the people.

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