“As scary as those with the means and motivation to dominate the world are, there’s something immensely more powerful. The people. No matter how powerful you, or even your entire crew are, you still can’t quite stand up to the rest of the world alone.”

YES!! This is why I have been repeatedly stressing the power of mass peaceful noncompliance since my second essay:

• “COVID IS OVER! … If You Want It” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/covid-is-over-if-you-want-it)

And why I was so ecstatic to see that principle put into action during the Winter of Love:

• “Profiles in Courage: The Canadian Truckers” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/profiles-in-courage-the-canadian)

Thank you for offering pragmatic solutions, Gabriel, so we can defend against potential infiltration while harnessing the power of our shared knowledge and goodwill.

Bonus points for using “philanthropath” :-)

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"they unloaded absolutely every dirty trick at once"

I am not sure about this one. When you take a look at how social engineering is made, it appears that this is a multi-layer thing. That said, I do think that techniques don't really need to be overcomplicated since a brainwashed mass is not that hard to control. We can see that Bolshevik propaganda is still working today like a charm.

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That comes from 9 decades of not paying attention to the so called enemy and people are still not paying attention. To the enemy. Can't bother to rise to the level of identifying the enemy. Even after millions of sick, dead and dying at the hand of government, media, big pharma, and even the damned weather channel who's presenters couldn't wait to breathlessly announce a basket full of government produced cases each morning. Sick.

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I’m gonna raise my hand slowly here, but y’all remember when Kirsch was asking for big time investments into some kind of hedge fund? 😬 I’m not saying “affinity fraud” but just spelling it out real slow...

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Much needed explanations, well done. Thank you!

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What about Russia and China? Real stumbling blocks to One World Government/Order or is the 1984 3-block world model already achieved with fake or manipulated meaningless geopolitical conflicts?

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Russia is far ahead of most of the world in forcing one world government mandates on their people. For instance, read Edward Slavsquat.







Well you get the idea. Moscow is well entrenched into the New World Order hive mind and can think of nothing else outside of crushing Ukraine. The United States and Russia are not all that far apart on things. It just appears that way.

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Thank you so much for this fantastic article. It puts into words so much that I have come to recognise during the past years, but also opened my eyes to things I hadn't come across yet.

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In wakanada nothing says sell out and controlled opposition like trudeau, freeland and lametti as examples. But they are not alone as the rest of the wakanada exploited, suppressed rights and politically and physically oppressed their embarrassingly fearful and stupid voters into actually destroying their economy and lives while they danced, ate and flew about the nation as they pleased.

These (civil servants) from all different walks of life, highly educated, all said and did the same thing. Without question. Doctors and politicians even suppressed effective treatments. I'm to the point of suggesting if that people cannot even bother to question what is going on around them and blindly roll up their sleeve for an experimental product that has legal immunity attached to it are bloody stupid and I'm tired of defending their right to be stupid. They drag the rest of the damned nation down with them and then point the finger at everyone else! Controlled opposition indeed!

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Thanks for any pub of this unique subscription drive ... which is really trying to pound home the message that Substack READERS are the key to our ability to fight back against captured forces.

Can Substack readers increase the “paid” ratio of Substack writers to, say, 10 percent? Right now it’s about 1 to 4 percent paid. What we have is about 100 fairly well-known “Covid writers” taking on 40,000 salaried MSM “journalists” …. It’s the “1 percent of the 1 percent” who are actually subsidizing the world’s “freedom” writers.


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You raise an interesting point, but I'm struggling to see how this connects with what I wrote... at least not in a positive way. One has to ask, is the point to educate, and get a message out, or is it merely to help build up corporate platforms like substack & rumble?


I'd also love to see more money flowing towards good causes and great dissidents, but you have to keep in mind that people willing to sacrifice to challenge a worldwide regime, may not have much in the way of spare resources. Non-financial contributions have to count significantly, like feedback, suggestions, or even assistance.

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"In my opinion, the greatest strategic mistake made by who (or what) rules the earth, is that they unloaded absolutely every dirty trick at once. " I hope you are right, but the Elite with their legions of technocrats have the opposite working hypothesis. Hopefully, their "scientists" just told the Oligarchs what Oligarchs wanted to hear.

I note, however, that the biggest argument I get is "This can't ALL be planned! To many initiatives on too many fronts! It must be a social phenomenon!"

Has incrementalism been thrown to wind?

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BTW: Only money can fight money as far as I can tell. Don't complain about Steve Kirsch.

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The perhaps fatal error made by the people was allowing central banking and before that protected fractional reserve banking and, before that, legal tender laws. All give incredible financial power to the Elite of the dominance hierarchy. Now, said Elite is at the peak of its power with unlimited funds at its disposal to revolutionize society according to its whims. Hopefully, they are jumping the shark, but I don't know! Hopefully, they are themselves confusing science with their own whims.

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Careful! Controlled opposition is real, but such concentration on it stifles all OPPOSITION. Let a 1,000,000 flower bloom.

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