G. Edward Griffin's Need to Know News just had a piece on this FISA madness:

- ‘Terrifying’: FISA Bill Set to Include ‘Vast’ New Surveillance Powers Forcing Businesses to ‘Become NSA Spies’, https://needtoknow.news/2024/04/terrifying-fisa-bill-set-to-include-vast-new-surveillance-powers-forcing-businesses-to-become-nsa-spies/

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We WILL prevail because we are the majority and this is OUR world!

We were all born for these times, whether we like it or not.

It's the fifth year of WWIII and the war rages on! 💪

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Beautifully written, Gabriel. I love that you see the power and hope of this tool that really has changed everything, forever. Some of us have been talking about the knowledge we have now that we're not crazy and not alone. If the ability to communicate is taken from us, that knowledge still is not.

My last post on Max Vax Madness, brought back a lot of the trauma for myself and others. I'm still holding my websites in reserve on porkbun. When the time is right, I'm sure it will surface as the next project. For now, I'm glad I can use the venues like Substack that have connected me to people like you (and glad we have a connection outside of it, as I do with others ;-)

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Thank you Tereza! That's a great post that exemplifies the point that we can choose to preserve what needs to be remembered. As you point out, it's not always fun or thrilling. I think the only way we improve things resolves understanding what was done to people and the real impact it caused.

I think keeping communications open is a vital but immensely challenging task these days. People were socially isolated before they were technologically distanced, I'd argue. I think the answer is those with a strong desire to reach out and bring people together that is fleetingly rare as people become rationally and irrationally polarized.

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"People were socially isolated before they were technologically distanced." Great point, Gabriel. And yes to understanding what was done and the real impact. Along with the 'bereavement boom' I mentioned in Mathew's stack, I'm wondering if we're going through a wave of unemployment, as part of the dispossession agenda. It seems that way from people I know personally. An interesting time to be living, that's for sure.

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The importance of outside contact info cannot be overstated. Physical address, phone numbers, family/relative info -- are all important for backup networking/continuity. Know your trusted network, and how to stay in touch with them.

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I do have my own web site, but because it is a VPS hosted somewhere in New Jersey by Linode, it's still vulnerable to IP/DNS-level shutdown (or other kinds of shutdown) by our Benevolent Overlords. Even if it were hosted on my own physical server, my ISP could still use an IP/DNS block on it.

But at least the web content there is all statically generated with Hugo, and the source is on my laptop (and backed up). So it could be brought back to life elsewhere if Linode/USA Govt. shuts it down.

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That's great, as long as you control the content and domain it's always easy to move it to a new host! Another great reason to have a simple site is that it's a really easy way to share (non-private) files that may be too large for e-mail or messaging apps.

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This is another watershed moment for humanity's future.

If this FISA extension gains a foothold, then the internet of the future will be exactly 1984 and be fully weaponised against individual thought/communications. We currently have a hybrid version, but FISA will close EVERY door, creating the digital panoptican.😐

Pockets of people will continue to rebel and communicate, but it won't be online, because there will be no way to preserve privacy.

There are currently 6-7 generations alive today. 3-possibly 4 generations are disappearing at an unprecedented and alarming rate, so that leaves only 2-3 generations in a position to actually effect real resistance, in the quantities required, against these coming walls.😐🤐 if its not now, there wont be a when.

#stopdigitalprison #wearemany #wearememory #wewillnotforgive #mistakeswereNOTmade #getlocalised

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"widespread atrocities are all but inevitable"

But >>20 million have already died in the "Great Reset", aka international finance capital's depopulation and totalitarian technocracy program, which could not have been rolled out on command without the "free and open" web being used for propaganda along with censorship by the seven or so major media owners, along with Google, Apple, Microsoft, Facebook, and others, to defraud the public into accepting poison injections, mask wearing, social isolation, and lockdowns.

The web has facilitated this genocide, it did not slow it down.

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You've missed the point of this post.

They don't need a public internet to do it.

Private military or corporate networks would work just as well.

My point is that the parts of the web that are still free and open were a mitigating factor. People don't seem to appreciate this.

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"Social media and digital technologies have played essential roles in disseminating information and promoting vaccination during the COVID-19 pandemic. There is a need to summarize the applications and analytical techniques of social media and digital technologies in monitoring vaccine attitudes and administering COVID-19 vaccines."


Applications of Social Media and Digital Technologies in COVID-19 Vaccination: Scoping Review


^^just one example

There was an onslaught of pro "vaccine" information via the web early on, well before the "disiformation" from the "anti-vaxxers" gathered steam. This was critical for the pathocracy. Of course they didn't need the internet/web for their internal communications, that's beside the point. They used it as a battering ram in the opening stages and that's when it counted. That its being used to connect victims is good but a little late.

I don't dispute that the internet/web will be appropriated by people to organize themselves (if they can), but the point is that it was not what it was invented for and now that it is being used that way they are looking to shut it down.

Google was key in all this. You couldn't just search for "vaccine" information and get honest answers. Thats still true but it was far more important early on.

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Google & Social media != the web. I routinely refer to such spaces as "hostile cyberspace" because that's what they are.

You're still missing the forest for the trees.

The ability for people to make websites at all, so that counter-narrative information can be preserved at all is a significant benefit. Or would you rather we all went back to television where nobody gets anything that isn't double-checked by a censorship board?

I've never denied that digital technologies can be used for evil, I consistently warn against that. But the ability for people to connect in a world-wide interoperable hypermedia network is crucial to resisting tyranny. Blaming the entire web for the faults of governments and corporations is defeatist and leads to self-destructive ends. Find ways to build what should be.

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I don't think I'm missing the forest for the trees.

The web is a tool of globalization.

Globalization today is forced tyranny and it means genocide/democide and slavery.

As such it has to be completely rejected and rebuilt from local first, or not rebuilt at all if thats what localities choose.

Are you in favor of giving people that choice?

Individual people will never be able to challenge the hegemony of the three letter agencies. Only local governments acting together can do that.

Telling people to go to their garage and rebuild the world themselves is ridiculous. Better that they should talk to their neighbors, get together with them and find solutions together.

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You realize community networks are what I suggested in the post?

I would encourage you to think deeper about what it would mean for governments and corporations to further consolidate their control, rather than merely assuming it's completely there already.

There are ways things can get worse from here, as bad as it is. That's what I'm trying to get people to understand without giving in to defeatism.

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But its better to roll back the control of corrupt governments and corporations by local or state legislation, rather than just preventing further consolidation.

Google should be prevented from being hostile cyberspace by local legislation, or if that isn't possible localities should just circumvent it and build their own *together*.

Ways should be found to make it easy for everyone in a community or metro area or state, instead of just teaching preppers to be ham radio operators in their basements.

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I, for one, sure appreciate the fact that I was able to connect with so many throughout the plandemonium. Even with fact choker warnings, slaps on the wrist for posting dissident content, and demonetisation, there were still real connection made that have resurfaced as a new network of like-minded individuals through the digital abyss.

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I didn’t mean to post this as a reply to this comment but in the general thread. Oops. Sorry bout that.

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