“All this is true and well expressed but I do think we need to build support networks too - and address ways of coping as they will make it very difficult for people to refuse.”
You could have made all your points without poking in the chest
You took another more confrontational approach and harvested the results
I sincerely hope you do lots of good but I fear until compassion wins out over certainty you will be less successful than you could be.
You're right about this. I absolutely could have worded it better.
The fact of the matter is, I'm frustrated from seeing these conversations go nowhere over years as people become less able to resist over time.
Compassion starts with actions, not words. The dismissal I received from raising these points is confirmation that there is not enough understanding of these problems.
It is personal to me, because of what I've experienced, but also people I've met. There are a LOT of people who have it worse off then I do, and they don't even have the tiny platform I use to push back against things. I've met elders who lost their entire families to the covid years with little income and support, am I supposed to just tell her to toughen up because it's for her own good?
I am brash, I can be direct. I rarely comment on larger Substacks because they tend to be filled with endless groupthink. So you're right that I went in defensive, and things kind of gotten out of hand. This is something that's closer to my heart than what I usually write about. I can talk about technical details and potentialities all day, but when I think of the people I've encountered I have to stand for all the reasons I did in the covid years.
I apologize for my temperment, but not the stance I took.
I do think this point has not only been under-addressed recently, but throughout the entire covid crisis and beyond. This has had real impacts on people that I don't think can be ignored. I want people, but especially thought-leaders to consider how things could be approached differently to prevent that in the future.
Thank you for taking the time to absorb things and showing some charity, it is recognized.
Is it shadenfreude that I laughed so loud at your haters' comments? Welcome to the club. I never get as much hate mail as when I try to explain why we shouldn't be hating on others. 'If you're not with us, you're against us' works every time for the cyberbully warriors.
Loved your 'virtue signaling.' And yes, I don't think there's anyone more qualified than you to push back on this. You have consistently laid the ground work to make a strategy that could succeed.
I'm not really into finding a hill to die on. But if I were, it would be over the things I'm forced to do to other people, like Palestinians, Syrians, Lebanese, through my acquiescence. A hypothetical future harm to me and mine vs. a present and ongoing devastating harm that I'm participating in--which is the moral choice to prioritize?
"robustly challenged by those with compassion and sense" If that had been true, Tim, you should have been happy that Gabe quoted your replies and gave you a chance to explain your views further in the comments, if they had been misunderstood. He could have done a parody hit piece without a single quote, called you mentally ill, and blocked you from responding, as Mathew Crawford did to me.
I've written many times about morality as what we do to others, not what others do to us. You aren't talking about what's right for you to do, as I understand it, but are telling other people what they have to do. Correct? It's sitting in judgment of other people rather than helping them have better choices. The only thing I ever judge is people judging others.
I'm glad that I'm consistent in my previous writing so that you wouldn't be surprised that I'd support Gabe. You haven't countered a single one of his arguments. I don't know how you characterize 'deliberately offensive', but I'd say that 'naive,' 'straw manning,' and a condescending 'Lord give me strength' meet that definition.
I point out green stuff mainly. Tagging any pink stuff I offer clearly as pink stuff.
I reject ‘moral’ judgement belief and all forms of delusion.
Gabe acknowledges his implying Mike was trying to be an Internet badass was offensive. I’m not sure if you read the whole thread .
We are in a good place the two of us.
Mike is just the real deal. In spades - if I’m allowed to say that. I’m quite protective at times.
If someone feels and expresses honestly with integrity that another is being naive that is not being deliberately offensive - ditto if someone appears to have been using a straw man argument.
You write, "I reject ‘moral’ judgement belief" yet Gabe's thread starts, "Telling people to refuse digital ID is pointless in a scenario where there's no support structure for people who refuse." So what he's critiquing is telling other people what to do.
Your response was to say 'spineless irresponsible cissy people' like him were causing tyranny to succeed and you and your children to get buggered up the ass.
You see both those statements as 'uncompromising brash and robust.' I see Gabe presenting a logical argument and you flinging insults.
Mike Yeadon's title is "A hill to die on." That means a cause for which you're willing to sacrifice everything to prioritize, yes? Presumably he doesn't mean we should die for it. There can be only one thing you can prioritize before everything else, and he's saying opposing digital ID is it.
Meanwhile, Palestinian prisoners are being literally buggered to death. Their Knesset is arguing over whether that's permissible. People are rioting to release the perpetrators without a trial. It's a hill that hundreds of thousands have died on in the last year.
Why isn't Mike Yeadon taking a public stand on this? Why aren't you? Does it not matter because it doesn't effect either of you? Because he could lose his platform, his job, his revenue stream, his bank access? These are real dangers with the anti-semitism police now the POTUS. Are you and he 'spineless irresponsible cissy people' causing tyranny to succeed? What lets you off the hook dying on this hill so you can sit back, let them take the fall, and criticize others?
being activist on behalf of Palestine is a very long jump from cyber security.
I doubt I'm the only one who sees your comment as contextually irrelevant.
yes, Palestine is being genocided by the occupiers moved there in 1948. yes, it's disgusting and absolutely wrong. yes, the us government shouldn't be funding them and never should have shipped roughly $11 trillion in "aid" over there since the 1960s. but none of that has anything to do with this substack, /or/ mr Yeadon's thread it references.
you'd likely get a better response by staying at least close to the original topic you're commenting on
I didn't read Mike's original article to which Gabe responded. When he said "the hill to die on" what did he mean? How far is he saying that people should go rather than get a digital ID?
Let's assume that Mike is using hyperbole and doesn't mean actual death. Does he mean imprisonment? It seems like he means being willing to lose your job, your income, your home, your ability to support your family. As a young person, he means losing your ability to ever have a family or a career, as Gabe points out. He means being willing to become a dependent on people who have gotten those digital IDs--since you wouldn't be able to access state or federal support. Or working for people under the table who have gotten those digital IDs.
What cause would YOU actually die for? If Mike is going to use that kind of hyperbole, and incite others to make sacrifices to prioritize one thing, I think we should recognize what we're demoting as not worth it.
He acknowledged there may have been a better way to make his points and in my mind this marks him as a solid chap. I acknowledged being triggered in defence of the man I would give my life for. The man with more integrity and due diligence than any I’ve come across.
Gabe, I just saw this post. Your comment on Mike Yeadon's stack was excellent. You were abused and mobbed in the comments led by 'Tim West.' There was no need for this whatsoever - you made some interesting points, particularly from the Canadian/Aus perspective where digital ID is already used by most people and is already legislated here.
Nothing (imo) that you said was threatening to Dr Yeadon's message whatsoever. You are just stating the reality of the situation.
If there is one thing I would have done-over it would have been to re-word the first sentence. It was a little harsh and in hindsight I understand why it would appear like perfectly crafted "bait' (it wasn't intended to be) . After some back-and-forth in the comments Tim did end up seeing where I was coming from if you want to read the pinned comments. In hindsight I wish I hadn't reacted so strongly to the hostile replies, but I'm also reassured to hear from you and others that I wasn't the only one to perceive them that way.
Thank you for your encouragement and support, it means a lot to me.
I thought your comment was spot-on, especially as an unjabbed Australian where digitial ID is already mainstream, legislated, and widely adopted.
And I have been watching Tim West act cruelly to people for a long time, belittling them and swearing at them. Want to see his true colours? See how he acts towards people who work on a 'covid virus exists' model.
You are definitely not his first target.
You did none of that - you had your opinion and stood your ground like a gentleman.
I’ve never made a comment here before. Aussie Michael Ginsberg recommended you Gabriel. I admire Michael very much. I’m also Aussie. I’ve been reading your posts, but I’m hopeless at tech, so I couldn’t really understand anything!
This though, is in my opinion a great post. We do need support networks-something, anything, to keep us from getting dig ID! I live very rurally, and don’t know my neighbours (I have to drive to get to their houses), so I feel sort of lonely with my small family of three.
Keep doing posts like this Gabriel, so we can all feel included. I can’t believe everyone thinks (even in AU) that Trump is the saviour of the world. I’ve read from someone famous,( but I don’t want to say who because it was the first time I read him), that it’s a psyop that people must accept for the psyop to work.
I’ll have a look at the other posts you recommend, thank you Gabriel.
Keep telling truth, and stay sane in Canada-it’s hard to stay sane in Australia. Michael G. gets it, but I don’t know how many others in AU do!
Gabriel - YOU ARE AMAZING!!!! Your weight loss journey is uplifting and inspiring!! GREAT WORK!!! I want to add to the list of don'ts - do not buy online if you can buy it in person. It takes effort to get out and shop versus sitting at your computer, but it is WORTH IT and also helps build that local community that you speak of.
Hi Gabriel, I just watched your interview with Corbett and wanted to congratulate you for your common sense, humane, dignified and joyful testimony. I was impressed!
You're right to point out that many people are doing their bit. I didn't mean to imply that it wasn't happening, but rather needs to be more of a focus.
in all honesty, people saying "YOU must x-y-z," "YOU obviously think <insert words in mouth here," "YOUR lack of agreement with my phrasing/terminology/concept harms everyone else," and etc, really piss me off.
it's one thing to make suggestions and provide information like your articles do. it's something else when people go into their personal perception of Greater Good juggernaut mode.
keep on keeping on, those comments you got looked to be more defensive knee jerk reactions than attempts at thought out debate.
While any of us can say we wish we had said something differently in a comment or chat in hindsight since all have been guilty of saying things we wish we hadn't, Gabiel's point about real life is true. It annoys me as well to come across those who bluster about "never comply" because when I ask them what sacrifices they've made to resist compliance, I usually get met with abuse in answer. Which to me means they've done nothing.
I stood up and refused the injections and other mandates at my place of work which was a heavily US government subsidised Native American Nation. I'm a citizen of this nation. It's a government in and of itself. Anyway, that's the context.
I was coerced and lied to and punished and ratted on by fellow employees I had previously considered work friends even though all I did was say no and try to point out to others the dangers in more ways than health of complying with the injections.
Some of my fellow employees said they would stand with me, but as time passed and pressures increased, I was left fairly quickly standing alone. I lost my job after a year of resistance.
The trauma of experiencing the behavior of the other people around me was the hardest aspect of my experience.
So, while I appreciate that "one must put their money where their mouth is", I also know that one may likely end up being a resistance of one and that's a lot of investment and time and effort at meetings and organizing, etc., that may result in betrayal and a big nothing burger. It did in my instance.
I walked away thinking I'll likely not look to others to have integrity or stand for much of anything when the SHF comes. I do think it's a matter of "when", not "if".
I think a lot of people have seen similar in life and I'm not sure how to overcome it.
I am interested in workable ideas, but please don't say something like vet the members before allowing them to join or other such nonsense or sign a pledge. People won't do that.
Interesting topic that we all need to be thinking about because the "day" is coming. God Bless.
genuine courage is intrinsic to all growth in consciousness;
an existence and conscious, elevating, moral life worth living, is one that's lived with and through courage, defiance, rebellion, true and conscious spirituality (not religion), creativity, honesty and genuineness, no matter fuckin' what, etc
doesn't matter if anyone "dies" or goes through any amount or type of pain and torture, in the endeavor of doing the right thing
firstly, there is no such thing as "death" and "life" itself is a dream
then, the greater and worthy the challenges that we face and outgrow, the greater our evolution and elevation, etc
also, we don't "die" before we finish whatever we've chosen to arrive here to do; and the addiction to "surviving" is just born of fixating on the body's lowest instincts, to the point of no longer expressing personal awareness on anything else
so, don't fear "death" and "pain". don't fear anything.
we are to all and always and veyond ways have the courage and the wisdom to do what is right, no matter fuckin' what, etc.
The more we know, the more we know, how much more there is to know
Anyways, we are to all and always and veyond ways persist, rebel, defy and do what is right, conscious, spiritual, defiant, creative, courageous, genuine, honest, greater, wilder, louder, prouder etc, no matter fuckin' what, etc.
“Creator” and “Creation” consciousness are not “separate”. They are both I and We and Me, infinite and unlimited consciousness, manifesting in different ways, and veyond the concept of “ways”.
Everything is always a choice, and the choice is always ours to make.
Always and veyond ways, I wildly, loudly, proudly persist, rebel, defy.
Always and veyond ways, I and We and Me are all and always and veyond ways, infinite and unlimited, unbound, freedom, liberty, defiance, soul and spirit, care and love, imagination, courage, will and intent, infinity, unlimitedness and veyond... among other things...
I wouldn't worry about what Tim West says, he is a clown. He blocked me on Mike Yeadon's telegram channel for sharing studies which refuted his points. Invest your energies elsewhere.
You are spot on, we need to build a place people can retreat to.
You and your ilk are the ones doing the misrepresenting. I explicitly said this wasn't an attack on Yeadon and opposing Digital ID. I was merely pointing out that there is more to do. But I'll build on this. ONLY shouting without action is meaningless. In fact it's counter-productive because you let your catharsis disarm you. It's propaganda 101. Apparently wanting people to consider that there's more to be done to effectively resist tyranny is 'inflammatory. The only inflammatory thing I said was that we're not looking at the full picture.
The fact that my "inflammatory comments" are in the top comments shows that I'm not the only one who's learned the lessons from the covid years that you're omitting in this discussion. This is because it's based on reflections from meeting real people in IRL meetups and recognizing where we failed them and each other.
I merely raised a point of contention, but people would rather tell people they're on their own than work together. The fact that this has turned out the way it has shows me that people are not at all serious about this fight.
You've made your point and I'll let my work speak for itself.
You had the option of coming in saying.
“All this is true and well expressed but I do think we need to build support networks too - and address ways of coping as they will make it very difficult for people to refuse.”
You could have made all your points without poking in the chest
You took another more confrontational approach and harvested the results
I sincerely hope you do lots of good but I fear until compassion wins out over certainty you will be less successful than you could be.
You're right about this. I absolutely could have worded it better.
The fact of the matter is, I'm frustrated from seeing these conversations go nowhere over years as people become less able to resist over time.
Compassion starts with actions, not words. The dismissal I received from raising these points is confirmation that there is not enough understanding of these problems.
It is personal to me, because of what I've experienced, but also people I've met. There are a LOT of people who have it worse off then I do, and they don't even have the tiny platform I use to push back against things. I've met elders who lost their entire families to the covid years with little income and support, am I supposed to just tell her to toughen up because it's for her own good?
I am brash, I can be direct. I rarely comment on larger Substacks because they tend to be filled with endless groupthink. So you're right that I went in defensive, and things kind of gotten out of hand. This is something that's closer to my heart than what I usually write about. I can talk about technical details and potentialities all day, but when I think of the people I've encountered I have to stand for all the reasons I did in the covid years.
I apologize for my temperment, but not the stance I took.
I do think this point has not only been under-addressed recently, but throughout the entire covid crisis and beyond. This has had real impacts on people that I don't think can be ignored. I want people, but especially thought-leaders to consider how things could be approached differently to prevent that in the future.
Thank you for taking the time to absorb things and showing some charity, it is recognized.
Now I feel like looking at your work and considering your points.
Thank you
Is it shadenfreude that I laughed so loud at your haters' comments? Welcome to the club. I never get as much hate mail as when I try to explain why we shouldn't be hating on others. 'If you're not with us, you're against us' works every time for the cyberbully warriors.
Loved your 'virtue signaling.' And yes, I don't think there's anyone more qualified than you to push back on this. You have consistently laid the ground work to make a strategy that could succeed.
I'm not really into finding a hill to die on. But if I were, it would be over the things I'm forced to do to other people, like Palestinians, Syrians, Lebanese, through my acquiescence. A hypothetical future harm to me and mine vs. a present and ongoing devastating harm that I'm participating in--which is the moral choice to prioritize?
Thanks for bringing clarity, as always.
"robustly challenged by those with compassion and sense" If that had been true, Tim, you should have been happy that Gabe quoted your replies and gave you a chance to explain your views further in the comments, if they had been misunderstood. He could have done a parody hit piece without a single quote, called you mentally ill, and blocked you from responding, as Mathew Crawford did to me.
I've written many times about morality as what we do to others, not what others do to us. You aren't talking about what's right for you to do, as I understand it, but are telling other people what they have to do. Correct? It's sitting in judgment of other people rather than helping them have better choices. The only thing I ever judge is people judging others.
I'm glad that I'm consistent in my previous writing so that you wouldn't be surprised that I'd support Gabe. You haven't countered a single one of his arguments. I don't know how you characterize 'deliberately offensive', but I'd say that 'naive,' 'straw manning,' and a condescending 'Lord give me strength' meet that definition.
No. I don’t tell people what to do Tereza.
I point out green stuff mainly. Tagging any pink stuff I offer clearly as pink stuff.
I reject ‘moral’ judgement belief and all forms of delusion.
Gabe acknowledges his implying Mike was trying to be an Internet badass was offensive. I’m not sure if you read the whole thread .
We are in a good place the two of us.
Mike is just the real deal. In spades - if I’m allowed to say that. I’m quite protective at times.
If someone feels and expresses honestly with integrity that another is being naive that is not being deliberately offensive - ditto if someone appears to have been using a straw man argument.
Any way - i wish you well.
You write, "I reject ‘moral’ judgement belief" yet Gabe's thread starts, "Telling people to refuse digital ID is pointless in a scenario where there's no support structure for people who refuse." So what he's critiquing is telling other people what to do.
Your response was to say 'spineless irresponsible cissy people' like him were causing tyranny to succeed and you and your children to get buggered up the ass.
You see both those statements as 'uncompromising brash and robust.' I see Gabe presenting a logical argument and you flinging insults.
Mike Yeadon's title is "A hill to die on." That means a cause for which you're willing to sacrifice everything to prioritize, yes? Presumably he doesn't mean we should die for it. There can be only one thing you can prioritize before everything else, and he's saying opposing digital ID is it.
Meanwhile, Palestinian prisoners are being literally buggered to death. Their Knesset is arguing over whether that's permissible. People are rioting to release the perpetrators without a trial. It's a hill that hundreds of thousands have died on in the last year.
Why isn't Mike Yeadon taking a public stand on this? Why aren't you? Does it not matter because it doesn't effect either of you? Because he could lose his platform, his job, his revenue stream, his bank access? These are real dangers with the anti-semitism police now the POTUS. Are you and he 'spineless irresponsible cissy people' causing tyranny to succeed? What lets you off the hook dying on this hill so you can sit back, let them take the fall, and criticize others?
being activist on behalf of Palestine is a very long jump from cyber security.
I doubt I'm the only one who sees your comment as contextually irrelevant.
yes, Palestine is being genocided by the occupiers moved there in 1948. yes, it's disgusting and absolutely wrong. yes, the us government shouldn't be funding them and never should have shipped roughly $11 trillion in "aid" over there since the 1960s. but none of that has anything to do with this substack, /or/ mr Yeadon's thread it references.
you'd likely get a better response by staying at least close to the original topic you're commenting on
I didn't read Mike's original article to which Gabe responded. When he said "the hill to die on" what did he mean? How far is he saying that people should go rather than get a digital ID?
Let's assume that Mike is using hyperbole and doesn't mean actual death. Does he mean imprisonment? It seems like he means being willing to lose your job, your income, your home, your ability to support your family. As a young person, he means losing your ability to ever have a family or a career, as Gabe points out. He means being willing to become a dependent on people who have gotten those digital IDs--since you wouldn't be able to access state or federal support. Or working for people under the table who have gotten those digital IDs.
What cause would YOU actually die for? If Mike is going to use that kind of hyperbole, and incite others to make sacrifices to prioritize one thing, I think we should recognize what we're demoting as not worth it.
Gabe and I are very happy with each other now.
We are both uncompromising brash and robust.
He acknowledged there may have been a better way to make his points and in my mind this marks him as a solid chap. I acknowledged being triggered in defence of the man I would give my life for. The man with more integrity and due diligence than any I’ve come across.
We are all doing our best. 🕊️
Gabe, I just saw this post. Your comment on Mike Yeadon's stack was excellent. You were abused and mobbed in the comments led by 'Tim West.' There was no need for this whatsoever - you made some interesting points, particularly from the Canadian/Aus perspective where digital ID is already used by most people and is already legislated here.
Nothing (imo) that you said was threatening to Dr Yeadon's message whatsoever. You are just stating the reality of the situation.
If there is one thing I would have done-over it would have been to re-word the first sentence. It was a little harsh and in hindsight I understand why it would appear like perfectly crafted "bait' (it wasn't intended to be) . After some back-and-forth in the comments Tim did end up seeing where I was coming from if you want to read the pinned comments. In hindsight I wish I hadn't reacted so strongly to the hostile replies, but I'm also reassured to hear from you and others that I wasn't the only one to perceive them that way.
Thank you for your encouragement and support, it means a lot to me.
I thought your comment was spot-on, especially as an unjabbed Australian where digitial ID is already mainstream, legislated, and widely adopted.
And I have been watching Tim West act cruelly to people for a long time, belittling them and swearing at them. Want to see his true colours? See how he acts towards people who work on a 'covid virus exists' model.
You are definitely not his first target.
You did none of that - you had your opinion and stood your ground like a gentleman.
I’ve never made a comment here before. Aussie Michael Ginsberg recommended you Gabriel. I admire Michael very much. I’m also Aussie. I’ve been reading your posts, but I’m hopeless at tech, so I couldn’t really understand anything!
This though, is in my opinion a great post. We do need support networks-something, anything, to keep us from getting dig ID! I live very rurally, and don’t know my neighbours (I have to drive to get to their houses), so I feel sort of lonely with my small family of three.
Keep doing posts like this Gabriel, so we can all feel included. I can’t believe everyone thinks (even in AU) that Trump is the saviour of the world. I’ve read from someone famous,( but I don’t want to say who because it was the first time I read him), that it’s a psyop that people must accept for the psyop to work.
I’ll have a look at the other posts you recommend, thank you Gabriel.
Keep telling truth, and stay sane in Canada-it’s hard to stay sane in Australia. Michael G. gets it, but I don’t know how many others in AU do!
Thank you, I'd like to be more measured in my...delivery but I'm glad you got something out of this.
No, you’re good, don’t stress over it. By the way, I wrote my post before I even knew Michael G. was on here!
Gabriel - YOU ARE AMAZING!!!! Your weight loss journey is uplifting and inspiring!! GREAT WORK!!! I want to add to the list of don'ts - do not buy online if you can buy it in person. It takes effort to get out and shop versus sitting at your computer, but it is WORTH IT and also helps build that local community that you speak of.
Great point!
And thank you!
Hi Gabriel, I just watched your interview with Corbett and wanted to congratulate you for your common sense, humane, dignified and joyful testimony. I was impressed!
I like what you wrote and agree with your thoughts. I think a lot of people are doing their bit, we just don't always see it or hear about it. I am writing a plan - we are up to Step 16 of the plan - in the hope that it will also give some guidance & empower us: https://louise0465.wixsite.com/take-action-now/post/thoughts-on-southern-california-step-16-john-f-kennedy-winston-churchill-s-plan-to-empower-us
You're right to point out that many people are doing their bit. I didn't mean to imply that it wasn't happening, but rather needs to be more of a focus.
in all honesty, people saying "YOU must x-y-z," "YOU obviously think <insert words in mouth here," "YOUR lack of agreement with my phrasing/terminology/concept harms everyone else," and etc, really piss me off.
it's one thing to make suggestions and provide information like your articles do. it's something else when people go into their personal perception of Greater Good juggernaut mode.
keep on keeping on, those comments you got looked to be more defensive knee jerk reactions than attempts at thought out debate.
Well done Gabriel! 🏅
While any of us can say we wish we had said something differently in a comment or chat in hindsight since all have been guilty of saying things we wish we hadn't, Gabiel's point about real life is true. It annoys me as well to come across those who bluster about "never comply" because when I ask them what sacrifices they've made to resist compliance, I usually get met with abuse in answer. Which to me means they've done nothing.
I stood up and refused the injections and other mandates at my place of work which was a heavily US government subsidised Native American Nation. I'm a citizen of this nation. It's a government in and of itself. Anyway, that's the context.
I was coerced and lied to and punished and ratted on by fellow employees I had previously considered work friends even though all I did was say no and try to point out to others the dangers in more ways than health of complying with the injections.
Some of my fellow employees said they would stand with me, but as time passed and pressures increased, I was left fairly quickly standing alone. I lost my job after a year of resistance.
The trauma of experiencing the behavior of the other people around me was the hardest aspect of my experience.
So, while I appreciate that "one must put their money where their mouth is", I also know that one may likely end up being a resistance of one and that's a lot of investment and time and effort at meetings and organizing, etc., that may result in betrayal and a big nothing burger. It did in my instance.
I walked away thinking I'll likely not look to others to have integrity or stand for much of anything when the SHF comes. I do think it's a matter of "when", not "if".
I think a lot of people have seen similar in life and I'm not sure how to overcome it.
I am interested in workable ideas, but please don't say something like vet the members before allowing them to join or other such nonsense or sign a pledge. People won't do that.
Interesting topic that we all need to be thinking about because the "day" is coming. God Bless.
Mike Yeadon published this note that may be of interest:
Thanks for the heads up, I appreciated his comment.
I really don't have much to add beyond that, but I do think it's important detail to consider.
genuine courage is intrinsic to all growth in consciousness;
an existence and conscious, elevating, moral life worth living, is one that's lived with and through courage, defiance, rebellion, true and conscious spirituality (not religion), creativity, honesty and genuineness, no matter fuckin' what, etc
doesn't matter if anyone "dies" or goes through any amount or type of pain and torture, in the endeavor of doing the right thing
firstly, there is no such thing as "death" and "life" itself is a dream
then, the greater and worthy the challenges that we face and outgrow, the greater our evolution and elevation, etc
also, we don't "die" before we finish whatever we've chosen to arrive here to do; and the addiction to "surviving" is just born of fixating on the body's lowest instincts, to the point of no longer expressing personal awareness on anything else
so, don't fear "death" and "pain". don't fear anything.
we are to all and always and veyond ways have the courage and the wisdom to do what is right, no matter fuckin' what, etc.
Anyways, among other things...
Always question everything
The more we know, the more we know, how much more there is to know
Anyways, we are to all and always and veyond ways persist, rebel, defy and do what is right, conscious, spiritual, defiant, creative, courageous, genuine, honest, greater, wilder, louder, prouder etc, no matter fuckin' what, etc.
Criteria of Worthiness: https://philoliasfidareos.com/criteria-of-worthiness/
True Spirituality, compared to bullshit zealotry and cults: https://philoliasfidareos.com/true-spirituality-compared-to-bullshit-zealotry-and-cults/
Anarchy and What It Actually Means: https://philoliasfidareos.com/anarchy-and-liberty-and-the-rejection-of-evil-and-slavery/
Exposing "virology", "germ theory" and scamdemics: https://philoliasfidareos.com/exposing-virology-germ-theory-and-alopathic-so-called-medicine/
Exposing and retaliating against "israel" and parasitic jews: https://philoliasfidareos.com/exposing-and-retaliating-against-the-bullshit-parasitic-zionist-jews-and-against-evil-in-general-etc/
Genuine Veganism (not the bullshit co-opted version): https://philoliasfidareos.com/2882-2/
Choosing Good over evil: https://philoliasfidareos.com/freedom-spirit-liberty-courage-defiance-honesty-and-essence-also-exposing-the-scamdemic-the-slavery-system-the-zionist-talmudic-parasitic-jewry-holocaust-lies-the-most-widespread-cult-bel/
Anyway, among other things...
“Creator” and “Creation” consciousness are not “separate”. They are both I and We and Me, infinite and unlimited consciousness, manifesting in different ways, and veyond the concept of “ways”.
Everything is always a choice, and the choice is always ours to make.
Always and veyond ways, I wildly, loudly, proudly persist, rebel, defy.
Always and veyond ways, I and We and Me are all and always and veyond ways, infinite and unlimited, unbound, freedom, liberty, defiance, soul and spirit, care and love, imagination, courage, will and intent, infinity, unlimitedness and veyond... among other things...
I wouldn't worry about what Tim West says, he is a clown. He blocked me on Mike Yeadon's telegram channel for sharing studies which refuted his points. Invest your energies elsewhere.
You are spot on, we need to build a place people can retreat to.
I quoted you, friend.
You and your ilk are the ones doing the misrepresenting. I explicitly said this wasn't an attack on Yeadon and opposing Digital ID. I was merely pointing out that there is more to do. But I'll build on this. ONLY shouting without action is meaningless. In fact it's counter-productive because you let your catharsis disarm you. It's propaganda 101. Apparently wanting people to consider that there's more to be done to effectively resist tyranny is 'inflammatory. The only inflammatory thing I said was that we're not looking at the full picture.
I thought you were too busy to read this anyways?
The fact that my "inflammatory comments" are in the top comments shows that I'm not the only one who's learned the lessons from the covid years that you're omitting in this discussion. This is because it's based on reflections from meeting real people in IRL meetups and recognizing where we failed them and each other.
I merely raised a point of contention, but people would rather tell people they're on their own than work together. The fact that this has turned out the way it has shows me that people are not at all serious about this fight.
You've made your point and I'll let my work speak for itself.