Just scanned quickly, I will reread in depth when time avails. That said this is an amazing depth of coverage “from a computer geek” (with affection in that term 😁). You are doing a great job and I will seek to encourage others to read. I’ve got a couple of pieces I had hoped to post last week, I will give a brief mention of this article when I finish. I’m heading to Dallas for the FLCCC Conference later this week, goals include information and networking. I’ve realized I need to more actively engage in treating vaccine injured people, so this is my own motivating tool! I’ll be in touch, and still intend to privately email, probably next week.

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I think there is also an extremely important point when it comes to information and understanding: our level of sensitivity. I have no idea if this is something we can control but I noticed for a while now, not that sensitive people are smarter, but smarter people are sensitive. And I have an excellent example of that, one of my best friends actually, that lives almost like an ermit, with no Internet, no TV, not even running water. Most of what he does is listening to music and contemplating nature around him. He has an extremely deep and clear understanding of the world, including when he hears some news about politics or any trending stuff.

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The great digital border collie shepherds us into pens, then the great digital lathe shapes the opinion of the pens.... top piece. Thank you.

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