I started out pseudonymously. Not that you couldn’t find me if you really wanted to. But I was a little weirded out dangling outside of the Overton Window and shouting loudly because I do have kids and all. But then I thought I want to be able to speak from the heart and relate to people based on my lived experience and that if I opened up for that kind of trust, then those who have been listening to the talking heads on the TV and being misled by them, might actually give an ear to people like me. Because we are not so different. We are not separate.

My ma was a bit upset with me when I doxxed myself fully. She said she was afraid that someone will come after me, that I was putting my kids in danger. And she might be right. But I think that if we stay silent, and if we run and hide, eventually we’ll get found anyway. Tyranny can sip into any corner of the world. And of course, at that point, shouting loudly will be pointless. The time to shout is now. Before the machine takes over entirely.

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I've struggled with whether or not I'd rather have an anonymous account. I like the idea of people knowing I'm a real person. I like the idea of being able to stand by whatever I write. And yet, I simply don't Tweet that much anymore because I don't want to have to account for people that know me in real life. I deleted my substack once because I didn't like how personal I let it get. I may need to do that again. One time I had a conversation with someone about this and they liked sharing their politics online so their family members knew exactly where they stood. The problems I have is my own position moves around a lot and a lot of people shut down those they view as too far from their own positions. I'd rather keep the channels of communication up as much as I can as to hear anything that isn't coming through the channels I subscribe to that should be. Its thorny. Nice post.

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My underwear buying habits are strictly my own business.

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