To listen to the commentary please check out the video:
Tools of the Technocracy is now fully voiced
Reclaiming Territory in Cyberspace
We are living in interesting times. These days a vast array of tools are aimed at harvesting as much data as possible to build powerful centralized control systems. These systems are then leveraged against people in all kinds of insidious ways. This is not merely self-interested profit-seeking; it has a purpose and that purpose is to wage war on humanity. The Tools of the Technocracy series was intended to demonstrate the vast array of tools being weaponized against the people.
Chat with Rounding The Earth
Digital ID

Now, with Verified.Me by Interac, you can securely prove who you are quickly and easily by using your bank login to access select services. Verified.Me by Interac is a new third-party service provided by Interac Corp. that helps verify your identity in real time by allowing you to share your personal information from eligible information sources, known as Connections, with participating network members you want to transact with.
The technocratic perspective basically regards people and their societal relations as machines with discrete inputs and outputs. It disregards basic things like values, personal tastes, delight and disgust, and normativity. From the view of a technocrat, what people want doesn’t matter. What they physically need does. As a result, technocracy is a deeply paternalistic worldview; it presents human beings as flawed biological robots that require the constant intervention of a purely rational and benevolent caretaker figure.
Because, sadly, instead of breaking the chains which lock us into place, they are locking us down, frozen, unable to move forward, in time [why this “drugs only” route requires ever increasing dosages - because it is just kicking the can down the road - until they stop working, or end up causing side effects worse than the symptoms].
Friends, very few doctor's or healthcare systems are doing anything to help you get better because of this.
[This is why trauma healing and all the stress reduction support we can get, are crucial and vital, so that we stop converting our dopamine directly into stress hormones all the time, and hence the drugs will then work much better, or not be needed at all].
Thanks for the shares! What are your thoughts on twitter making its recommendation algorithm open source?